VENICE ACCESS FEE: from 2024 it is necessary to pay to get in the historic center. You can find all the information and pay yor fee on this page


To reach Venice from our campsite with public transport there are two main possibilities:

TRAIN: This is the best way, indeed the staton is just 500m away from the campsite and you will arrive at Venice S. Lucia station in about 15/20min. The service is run by Sistemi territoriali s.p.a. (no Trenitalia!) SUSPENDED

BUS: the bus stop that we suggest you to reach is about 1km away from our position and the bus journey takes 20/30 minutes (it depends on the rout and on the traffic) until Piazzale Roma. The best advantage of the bus is the frequency, one every 15/20 minutes until the midnight. The service is run by AVM-actv s.p.a.
The easiest way to buy the tickets is through the Chat&Go system: you just need to write a message with any text to this number +39 3399908002 and follow the instructions you can find in our Chat&Go guide (DOWNLOAD Chat&Go GUIDE)
If you would like to buy a daily ticket or you don't have whatsapp, you can use the AVM-APP (DOWNLOAD IOS) (DOWNLOAD ANDROID)
Follow our guide (DOWNLOAD GUIDE) to know how to use the app.

Instead, if you prefer to us PRIVATE VEHICLES: Venice can also be reached with your scooter, motorcycle or car. Just reach Piazzale Roma or the island of Tronchetto and choose one of the car parks available there. In particular, for scooters or motorcycles there is the possibility to park for free in a dedicated parking spot located along the bridge "Ponte della Libertà" (tap here).

Below you can download a file with all the Frequently Asked Questions and the Timetable for both train and bus.



Our campsite represents a strategic starting point for a biking trip to discover the Venetian historical buildings “Ville Venete” site along the Brenta.
Indeed, from our position, you can reach the Brenta river following the same path for the bus stop (see the map on the guide).
Then, you have to cross the river through the first bridge you meet proceeding westward.
At that point, always keeping the riverside, you can decide to proceed westward reaching Mira, Dolo, Fiesso d’Artico and Stra.
Otherwise, proceeding toward west you will reach la Malcontenta and finally Fusina where the river flows into the Venetian lagoon.
There is also the possibility to organize a mini-cruise trip, with guided tour of the “Ville Venete”.
Visit for more information.